We March for You

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This book is for:
- Girls just starting their lives
- Boys who are their friends and relatives
- Women dreaming their own dreams
- Men wanting equality for girls and women

Our rights as women must never regress. Our work is not done.

“The things we march for are not true-not yet, not for all of us. I want you valued equally with boys and men: equal respect, equal rights, and equal pay. Equality is not only good for you, but also for your country, our whole world.” — Penny
“As I drew, I was always imagining and feeling the world that I dream: a world with good food, education, art, love, friendship, rights, respect, and a dignified life for every girl and woman everywhere and every day.” — Raquel

“In We March for You, readers will find the march for change is beautiful, strong, wise, and welcoming. In this book’s procession, readers will be accompanied by Penny’s words, Raquel’s paintings, and by the good company of Rosa, Maya, J.K., Emma, Anne, and a host of other women’s voices that call us out from our houses, out from our fears, out from our isolation to join the march.”
– Kim Stafford, Oregon Poet Laureate and author of The Muses Among Us